

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Aloe, can you hear me?

   A healing plant I've recently started using is aloe. I have always had sensitive acne prone skin. Unfortunately, When I was younger I tried very extreme medications to rid my skin of it. The medication was helpful for the time being. However, after having kids and breastfeeding my hormones went haywire. So, I've been eating local fruits and produce and slowly eliminating sugars and processed foods. This has helped my skin immensely! On top of that I started doing weekly homemade face masks. 
   I use a small chunk of aloe leaf; scraping the goop from the inside into a bowl and mixing with 2 tablespoons of local honey. Then I spread the mixture on my freshly washed face, neck, and chest. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off in the shower. Afterwards, I apply moisturizer and voilá my skin feels amazing. I like to do this before bed so my skin can further rejuvenate through the night. My skin is noticeably clearer, Thank you mother earth! 

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